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Welcome to the PTO page!
This page will stay updated through the year with all the PTO Happenings. Mark your calendar for these back to school dates!

Hello Liberty Elementary parents!  Your PTO is so excited about all the fun things we have planned for this year.  As of Monday, September 16, we have officially kicked off our Annual PTO Membership Drive!  This is our yearly membership drive that takes in a suggested donation of $10 per child to help fund all the teacher/staff appreciation events throughout the school year.  By donating to our membership drive, you are not obligated to participate in any other way (unless, of course, you choose to!)  Our parents have been so generous in the past, and we know this will be our best year yet!  The class with the highest participation at the end of the PTO Kick Off will win an ICE CREAM PARTY!  You should be getting a form sent home from your child's teacher.  Or, if you'd rather join online, you can use this link at the top.

The partnerships between our parents and the teachers and staff at Liberty are a huge part of what makes our school so amazing!  Remember, this is not a volunteer commitment, just one of the ways to show your support for our school! If you have any questions, please email Caroline Woodard at

SPIRIT WEAR - Did you know that Liberty spirit wear is a fundraiser? A portion of every purchase goes back to the PTO and the PTO uses those funds for fun school wide events and teacher appreciation! Please click THIS LINK to purchase your spirit wear. The shop closes on 8/19, don't miss out! 

5: Meet + Greet 3:30 - 6:30 pm
7: 1st day of school (1st - 4th) 12:30 pm dismissal
13: 5:00 -6:00 pm Kindergarten Playdate
12/13: Kindergarten half day options
14: Kindergarten Parent Orientation
15: 1st day of Kindergarten / Boo Hoo Brunch
19: Jeni’s Spirit Night 4:00 - 7:00 pm
27: Parent Orientation 5:00 - 6:00 pm 3rd grade // 6:00 - 7:00 pm 2nd grade
29: Parent Orientation 5:00 - 6:00 pm 1st grade // 6:00 - 7:00 pm 4th grade
30: Early Dismissal

2: Labor Day Holiday
6: Centennial High School Football Game - FSSD Elementary Feeder School Night
12: 1st PTO Meeting
27: Liberty's Outdoor Movie Family Night - on the Liberty Lawn

Follow us on INSTAGRAM (@LibertyElementaryPTO)!
Bookmark our LINKTREE - we have all our links in one place! 


The PTO is made up of parents who volunteer what they can, when they can - from their time, talents and resources. Through the year, we fundraise, host school wide events and support and facilitate community within our staff, parents and students. We hope you'll join us!

Email us if you want to get involved or if you have any questions! //